
dimanche 14 décembre 2014

Porfolio - MIGHTY NO 9 Contest

It was about time to post some new content on this blog. And what better occasion that some news regarding a new contest.

Recently there has been several contests regarding Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune's upcoming new game, Mighty no 9 on the official web page.

Mostly regarding designing enemies you can find in the game and some of the boss robots. I naturally tried to enter as many of those as possible (read: basically all of them). You can in fact find all my entries on my deviantArt page.

And, what a big surprise, one of my characters was selected by Inafune himself! This is fantastic, and I am of course super happy about that! Here's my original drawing entry:

And here's Inafune's fantastic redesign (he kept most of the aesthetic but streamlined the details):

And a photo:

And here's the development team Comcept's reinterpretation:

It looks great! I'm so happy to see one of my characters selected and properly adapted into the design of the game. And congratulations to everyone who entered the contests! I'm looking forward to the game, it's shaping up nicely so far. Mighty no 9. is still aiming for an April 2015 release date on several platforms.

Source: Official news announcement.

Un de mes personnages envoyé lors d'un concours pour le nouveau jeu du créateur de Megaman, Keiji Inafune, Mighty no 9. a été sélectionner parmis les nombreuses participations !

Ci-dessus mon dessin original et Keiji Inafune's intepretation de mon personnage. Il a bien sûr adapter quelques détails et ensuite laissé l'équipe du development du jeu adapter le tout pour le jeu.

Le jeu sortira l'année prochaine en Avril sur tout un tas de consoles différentes. Félicitation à tout les autres participants !

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